My Links
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Here are some of the links I most often go to
These are some of the websites I surf at 3 in the morning. It's how I started this site. I have a lot more sites to put up here, but I can't find the addresses right now.

Search Engines
Google Where I most often surf the web at 3am.
Lyrics If you're looking for lyrics
Guitar Tabs This is the site where I get my guiter tableture.

Favorite Sites
Games There aren't too many sites out there where you can play good games without having to pay. Here's a good site...
Dancing Banana Something you thought you'd never see-a dancing banana singing about peanut butter and jelly. Don't miss out...
Y100 Philly's best music station's website.
Scary Stories Scary is a website of short comics which are extremely demented.
T-shirts If you like the 80s and T-Shirts you'll like this site.